The Charity Commission’s scheme to hand good causes unused charitable funds has reached the £10m mark in Wales.
Since 2021 the regulator’s Revitalising Trust’s programmes has used the money “to make a difference as originally intended” among Welsh charities.
Where a similar charity for the funds cannot be found the money has been transferred to Community Foundation Wales. A total of £1,522,068 has been handed to this organisation so far through the programme.
The programme also offers charities facing closure support and advice to continue operating, such as by recruiting new trustees. So far 72 charities that were inactive are now operating again through the programme.
“It’s important that every penny of charitable funds goes where intended,” said Charity Commission chief executive David Holdsworth.
“We’ve now distributed over £10 million of dormant funds and by continuing to work with Community Foundation Wales, the Welsh government and trustees, I’m confident we can make even more of a positive difference to people and communities across the country.
“I encourage anyone working with a charity that has fallen inactive to reach out to us.”
Of the £10m handed to Welsh charities more than £1.2m has been spent in Swansea, almost £900,000 in Cardiff and just under £75,000 in Carmarthenshire.
The largest sum spent so far is in North Wales amounting to over £1.9m, with mid Wales reaching over £1.4m.
Community Foundation Wales chief executive Richard Williams added: “In these challenging economic times, small charities and trusts continue to play a crucial role in meeting the urgent needs of communities across Wales.
“We are proud to have supported the Charity Commission, through the Revitalising Trusts programme, to unlock over £10 million of unused charitable funds to help support people across Wales.
“We recognise that trustees are concerned about inactive funds, and we are here to support them in adjusting charitable purposes or releasing these funds to communities in need.
“As a result of this support, Community Foundation Wales has been able to invest in more Welsh communities, so they continue to benefit, as was originally intended, from these funds.”
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